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The Home of the Book 'Teaching Beginners to Ski' by Dr John T Whiting

The Author - Dr. John T. Whiting


The author was slow to learn about the fun and joy associated with snow skiing.  It was his wife Buffy that encouraged him to take up the sport to provide some diversion from a successful but demanding career as a management consultant.

A weekend trip to local ski areas resulted in a decsion to purchase a home at the Hidden Valley Ski Resort in Vernon, New Jersey. 

The couple quickly developed reiwth bAThis web site is under construction but will be made live by July 25, 2011.  Please come back and learn about the fun you and your family can have snow skiing and how the book "Teaching Beginners to Ski" can help make the learning process easy, safe and fun.  If you would like to contact the author directly click HERE.

Dr. John T. Whiting, Author & Webmaster

(This site was created by and is maintained by Dr. John T. Whiting. Questions regarding the web site or its content should be directed to Dr. Whiting by clicking HERE).


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 Copyright © 1998 Dr. John T. Whiting/E-BMC E-Business Management Consulting
All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 07 06, 2011February 26, 2009