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The Home of the Book 'Teaching Beginners to Ski' by Dr John T Whiting

Purchasing "Teaching Beginners to Ski"

Price List*

"Teaching Beginners to Ski" can be purchased directly from the author at a special price as a single copy or in verying quantities. 

Ski resorts and ski shops can also purchase copies of the book with their own marketing and promotional material tailored to the special marketig needs of the resort or ski shop, with the content included in the book on the indside of the front cover of the book and on the inside of the back cover.

The price list noted below is subject to change.  Actual prices shall be confirmed at the time of the sale.

  • Single copy price - $9.00 (plus appropriate taxes, postage and handling)

  • Multiple copies:


    * 2 to 25 copies

    $8.50 per copy

    * 26 to 50 copies

    $8.00 per copy

    * 51 to 100 copies

    $7.50 per copy

    * 101 to 500 copies

    $7.00 per copy

    * 501 to 1000 or more copies

    $6.00 per copy

Note: Please add $2.00 for shipping and handling.   

* "Teaching Beginners to Ski" is available for sale online at at a price of $11.00 and presently for $9.90 based on a 10% discount.

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 Copyright © 1998 Dr. John T. Whiting/E-BMC E-Business Management Consulting
All Rights Reserved
Last modified: February 26, 2009