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The Home of the Book 'Teaching Beginners to Ski' by Dr John T Whiting

Comments from USSA & PSIA

The United States Sking and Snowboardng Association (USSA) is the #1 ski racing organization in  the United States responsible for the development and training of the United States Ski Team.  The Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) is the organizaton responsible for ski instructor education, training and certification in the United States.

The book Teaching Beginners to Ski was submitted to USSA and PSIA for their review and comment.  The comments below were recived in response to that communication.

USSA:"Thank you for sharing your book with us. It is well laid out and informative. I can tell you have put a lot of thought and effort into it and you should be proud of your achievement.  We applaud your efforts to educate young racers in learning to ski race and appreciate your acknowledging the need for young skiers to have fun. 

I am sure the book has gotten, and will continue to get, great reviews from all that are fortunate enough to read it."

PSIA: "Thanks so much for writing (Teaching Beginners to Ski) and congratulations on your initiative and effort to get this project together!"

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Last modified: 07 06, 2011February 26, 2009