Most ski resorts provide beginner skiers with the opportunity to learn to ski by enrolling the new skier in their ski school staffed by instructors trained and certified by the Professional Ski Instrutors of America (PSIA). Typically ski instructors have had excellent PSIA training targeted at young adult and adult beginner skiers, but have limited resources to support teaching young beginner skiers starting at age 4. The challenge imposed by these young skiers is somewhat limited by the ability of the young beginner to understand the technical language required to teach skiing. However success with these young skiers can be both of significant business importance to the ski resort and the ski instructor, because a young beginner that experiences success and finds enjoyment in skiing will not only want to return to the ski resort with his/her family but will represent a future candidate for additonal ski instruction for many years to come. The book "Teaching Beginners to Ski" provides the ski instructor with a simple supplemental approach to the typical instructional program that is experience based and allows the very young beginner to experience rapid success and accomplishment while avoiding some of the frustration that can come from not understanding or being able to master a more technically based approach to skiing. The instructor that makes a copy of "Teaching Beginners to Ski" available to their young pupils also gives the parents of the young skier an aid to use in working with their child to reenforce the development of the skills introduced by the ski instructor. The book offers an easy to understand set of guidelines that can help the new skier avoid the miss-steps and falls, and experience rapid progress, confidence and success. It can also provide safety tips to minimize the prospects of an accident causing an early end to what would otherwise be a long, enjoyable and fun time for the entire family on the snow during the winter months. "Teaching Beginners to Ski" can help the ski instructor ensure that the time, effort and investment in the fun sport of snow skiing produces a long and happy return on that investment and lead to an increase in the conversion of beginner skiers to repeat visitors - and follow-up ski instruction lessons that can last a life time. The small investment in providing "Teaching Beginners to Ski" to beginner skiers can provide a significant return to the ski instructor that can be measured in future lessons and earnings.
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