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The Home of the Book 'Teaching Beginners to Ski' by Dr John T Whiting

The Value of Reading "Teaching Beginners to Ski"

to Ski Shops

The key to the profitability of the typical ski shop is not the walk in first time skier looking to rent ski equpment but the die hard skier who finds it necessary to return to the ski shop repeatedly to purchase ski equipment, ski clothing, ski tuning and other ski related support.

However the first time skier that visits the ski shop to rent ski equipment represents new business that, if converted into an avid skier represents a repeat customer that will return to the ski shop every ski season representing income for the ski shop valued in the many thousands of dollars in business.

While the new visitor to the ski shop interested in learning to ski represnts future security and profitability for the ski shop, little collateral informaton is made available to the beginner skier to help ensure that the beginner's introduction to skiing is successful.  As a consequence the ski shop misses the opportunity to increase the liklihood that new skiers will be successful and that the beginner skier will become a repeat customer.

Were the ski shops to provide new customers with a copy of "Teaching Beginners to Ski" they would be providing support to the new skier to increase the probability that their experience will be successful.  In doing so the shop increases the probability of converting the one time customer into a repeat visitor for as long as they enjoy skiing.

The book offers an easy to understand set of guidelines that can help the new skier avoid the miss-steps and falls, and experience rapid progress, confidence and success.  It can also provide safety tips to minimize the prospects of an accident causing an early end to what would otherwise be a long, enjoyable and fun time for the entire family on the snow during the winter months.

"Teaching Beginners to Ski" can help the ski shop ensure that the time, effort and investment in the fun sport of snow skiing produces a long and happy return on that investment and lead to an increase in the conversion of beginner skiers to repeat visitors to the ski shop and new sales.  The small investment in providing "Teaching Beginners to Ski" to beginner skiers can provide a significant return to the ski shop that can be measured in thousands of dollars in new business and profitability ofr the ski shop.


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Last modified: 07 06, 2011February 26, 2009